ALUS Ontario East Benefits from over $2.8M Provincial Wetland Funding

June 26, 2024

Minister Andrea Khanjin annouced the provincial wetland funding at Jamink Farms in South Stormont.

Eastern Ontario will see an increase in on-farm wetland enhancement after receiving funding from an over $2.8M contribution by Ontario’s Wetlands Conservation Partner Program (WCPP) to ALUS, a national charitable organization helping farmers and ranchers build nature-based solutions on their land. 

“Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. They are home to a variety of wildlife and can help filter water entering lakes and rivers,” said Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “Our government is proud to be working with trusted conservation leaders like ALUS and Ontario farmers to support local agriculture communities and the environment.”

One of ten local ALUS communities in Ontario, ALUS Ontario East’s area of operation includes the Raisin Region and South Nation Conservation Authorities’ watersheds and other adjacent areas. Since 2012, ALUS Ontario East has worked with over 77 landowners to establish and maintain stewardship projects on 1,114 acres.

“ALUS Ontario East is thrilled to see Ontario’s significant investment through the Wetlands Conservation Partner Program to restore and enhance on-farm wetlands in Ontario with ALUS,” says Glenn Mackey, Chair of the ALUS Ontario East Partnership Advisory Committee. “As farmers, we have a tremendous opportunity to make lasting beneficial impacts to our environment. This funding will continue empowering farmers to establish themselves as stewardship champions, to the benefit of their operations’ sustainability, their local community, and future generations.”

On-farm wetlands can help increase habitat, biodiversity, water quality, flooding and drought resilience, and spawning and nursery opportunities for fish. The funding from the WCPP will contribute to close to 30 acres of wetland-focused projects in eastern Ontario, including a one-acre pair pond at Jamink Farms in South Stormont, where the provincial funding was announced.

“As farmers, we are naturally connected to the land, and we depend on a healthy environment,” says Julia Booijink, who operates Jamink Farms with her husband, Thomas. “Thanks to Ontario’s WCPP funding, as well as additional funding from Ducks Unlimited Canada, we are able to establish a wetland that will help enhance our farm’s sustainability and resilience, as well as the overall health of our watershed.”

ALUS participants receive an annual payment for every acre enrolled in the program in exchange for managing and maintaining projects that increase ecosystem services benefitting both their farm and wider community. For more information visit or contact (514) 961-5430 or