The Raisin Region Conservation Authority is responsible within its watershed boundaries for representing the Provincial Interest with respect to the Natural Hazards section of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) that deals with flooding, erosion and unstable slopes. This means that the RRCA reviews policy documents and development proposals under the Planning Act to ensure that submitted applications have appropriate regard to the relevant Natural Hazard sections of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
Development proposals and applications under the Planning Act which may be circulated and reviewed by the RRCA Watershed Planner include:
- Official Plan Amendments
- Zoning Amendments
- Minor Variances
- Subdivision Applications
- Plan of Condominium Applications
- Site Plan Control Applications
- Consent Applications (Severances)
In addition to natural hazards, the RRCA's planning advisory service includes various aspects of watershed management. In general, the RRCA only reviews and comments on planning and development proposal applications which might have implications for the following watershed resource management interests:
- Floodplain management
- Stormwater management
- Valleyland and stream corridor management
- Management of hazards related to erosion, slopes, unstable soils
- Municipal source water protection
- Wetland protection and management