Board of Directors

From left: Adrian Bugelli, Carilyne Hébert, Claude McIntosh, Andrew Guindon, Bryan McGillis, Marting Lang, Lachlan McDonald, Jacques Massie, and Richard Pilon (General Manager)

Policy and budget decisions are made by a Board of Directors comprised of eight members appointed by the RRCA's municipal partners. The number of representatives appointed as Members of the Board are based on population as outlined in subsection 2(2) of the Conservation Authorities Act. The RRCA's Board has the following representatives:

Municipality Member
Township of South Stormont

Bryan McGillis, Chair

(613) 534-8889

Township of North Glengarry

Jacques Massie, Vice-Chair

(613) 525-1110

Township of South Glengarry

Lachlan McDonald

(613) 347-1166

Township of North Stormont

Adrian Bugelli

(613) 984-2821

Township of South Stormont

Andrew Guindon

(613) 534-8889

Township of South Glengarry

Martin Lang

(613) 347-1166

City of Cornwall

Carilyne Hébert

(613) 930-2787

City of Cornwall

Claude McIntosh

(613) 930-2787

Meetings and Minutes

Generally, the Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month and meetings are open to the public. The minutes for each meeting are approved at the next scheduled meeting, and are posted shortly thereafter.  

Any person or organization who wishes to address the Board of Directors may make a request in writing or electronic mail to the General Manager. The request should include a brief statement of the issue or matter involved and indicate the name of the proposed speaker(s). If such request is received 14 calendar days in advance of a scheduled meeting, the General Manager may list the delegation on the published agenda.

**Meeting agenda questions can be directed to

Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
January 18, 2024 Download Download
February 15, 2024 Download Download
March 21, 2024 Download Download
April 18, 2024 Download Download
May 16, 2024 Download Download
June 20, 2024 Download  
September 19, 2024    
October 17, 2024    
November 21, 2024    
Source Protection Authority Meetings
Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
February 15, 2024 Download Download
April 18, 2024 Download Download
June 20, 2024 Download  

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Archives

2017 Board of Directors Minutes

2018 Board of Directors Minutes

2019 Board of Directors Minutes

2020 Board of Directors Minutes

2021 Board of Directors Minutes

2022 Board of Directors Minutes

2023 Board of Directors Minutes

Source Protection Authority Minutes - Archives

2021 SPA Minutes

2020 SPA Minutes

2022-2023 SPA Minutes


Board of Directors Administrative By-Law No. 1 (amended June 17, 2021)

Fee Policy and Schedules

RRCA Fee Policy (adopted: October 20, 2022)

RRCA 2024 Fee Schedules


Financial Statements

2023 RRCA Financial Statements

2022 RRCA Financial Statements

2021 RRCA Financial Statements

2020 RRCA Financial Statements


RRCA Budget

2024 RRCA Budget