Summer Positions at RRCA Offer Valuable Work Experience to Students

August 23, 2024

RRCA's Cloe Bailey showcases some of the preserved specimens at the Cooper Marsh Visitors Centre.

With the start of school around the corner, the Raisin Region Conservation Authority (RRCA) thanks the 17 students who supported its programs and services delivery during a busy summer season. 

Cloe Bailey, a marine biology student at the University of Dalhousie in Halifax, was RRCA’s Cooper Marsh Nature Interpreter this summer. She credits her summer position with helping her forge a deeper connection with the environment and learn new skills. 

“It allowed me to dive into topics I’m passionate about, like environmental science and education, and to explore these interests in a real-world setting,” she says. “I also gained valuable fieldwork experience and improved key life skills such as problem solving and time management.”

The RRCA also hosted an invasive species technician, Annabelle Beaudry, through the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Annabelle spent her summer researching, monitoring, and leading outreach on invasive species. She is studying environmental science at Bishop’s University this fall.

“This position helped me get a better understanding of invasive species and the damage they cause. It also helped show me possible career opportunities in the field I am going to study in university,” she says. “I am glad to have had the opportunity to learn more about the plants and animals around me.”

Secondary and post-secondary students interested in applying for a summer position with the RRCA next spring are encouraged to check the RRCA’s social media and website at, where summer employment opportunities will be posted in the new year. The RRCA also frequently hosts students for co-op placements.

“A summer position or co-op placement at the RRCA is a chance for students to gain valuable work experience alongside our professional team of engineers, specialists, technicians, and administrators,” says Vincent Pilon, RRCA Communications Specialist. “We thank our 2024 students for their valuable help, from tree planting to water quality monitoring, Conservation Area support, and more.”  

The RRCA reminds visitors that the Cooper Marsh Visitors Centre closes for the season on August 26. The Marsh’s nature trails remain open year-round. For more information, visit or contact (613) 938-3611 or