What is Source Water?
Source water is the water that we take from rivers and underground aquifers to supply people with drinking water. The goal of Source Water Protection is to protect these sources of drinking water from contamination and overuse, now and into the future.
The Ontario Clean Water Act (Bill 43) requires municipalities and stakeholders to work together to develop watershed-based Source Protection Plans. These plans will focus on protecting the source water that supplies municipal drinking water systems.
Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Region
The Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Region encompasses a landmass of approximately 6,900 km2. The region includes the jurisdictions of the Raisin Region Conservation Authority, South Nation Conservation, and some additional area which is not formally part of either Conservation Authority. There are 25 municipal drinking water systems within the region; 12 groundwater systems and 13 surface water systems.
Please visit the local Source Protection website to learn more.